Happy New Year...2021 We Welcome You!

Luxury Letterpress Lunar/Chinese New Year Postcards 2021 Year of the Ox.

Luxury Letterpress Lunar/Chinese New Year Postcards 2021 Year of the Ox.

There has not been a year in my 41 years of life that I wanted to end more than 2020. It was an unprecedented time for so many and with it came so many changes. My business which was made up of the wedding/event industry was heavily disrupted by Covid, and my in person shows were all cancelled due to Covid as well.

I had a number of months to think about what it was I was going to do next if the following couple of years were to stay this way, would my business survive or sink? This I KNEW solely depended on the decisions I made for my studio now. And in that moment I had to recognize and prepare for what is ahead.

My love of lettering actually began in stationery and sending good old fashion snail mail. With technology on the rise and rise throughout the years, it may seem that good old fashion mail would eventually become obsolete, however I feel now more than ever, people TRULY appreciate a had written note more than ever.
Opening a letter feels like a little gift in itself so beautiful mail is that much more luxurious.

With the extra time in my studio, I decided to focus on my love of stationery, designing tools I love and creating beautiful paper goods with my love of lettering and illustration.

My first letterpress project is for Lunar/Chinese New Year 2021! This year is the year of the Ox, and I have taken my love of the traditional Chinese paper cut style for my illustration and paired it with the artistry of letterpress to create these gorgeous postcards. Knowing that our traditional festive gatherings won’t be happening anytime soon, I wanted to create something festive and luxurious to send to family and friends near and far. Wonderful addition to gifts and fruit baskets as well.

Whatever life throws my way, know that I will take it in stride and continue to use my art and love of lettering to make the world a more beautiful place. Can’t wait to show you more!

Find these postcards and calendars in my shop!

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